Sunday, February 15, 2009

If all we want to do is feel good about ourselves, jogging is the ticket. It doesn't challenge us. It doesn't test us. It doesn't exact a physical or psychological toll. Worst case scenario is, jogging may cause mild perspiration on color-coordinated sweat suits. But if we're willing to push ourselves into uncharted territory, a place littered with broken bodies and remnants of the human psyche, running may be what we're looking for. Without question, it dishes out more heaping helpings of humble pie than any sport we know of. Little wonder that so few people have the testicular fortitude to lace up and run like an animal.

- taken from a Pearl Izumi add in the March issue of Runner's World.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1/31 Texas Med Center 5k - 17:32, 6th OA, 3rd AG (Long Course)

Missed mile 1 marker
2 miles - 11:30
3 miles - 5:32 (17:03)

It's very tough to guage this run, cause the course was long, but not sure by how much. It seemed to be a consensus among the top guys here that it was quite likely about a .1 or more miles long, for me, equating to about 33 seconds, bringing my time potentially just under 17:00. I was hoping for better, and thought I had better in me, but it just wasn't there. I'm not confident in any of the mile markers, so I don't know that my 3rd mile is accurate, but I know that I ran hard in the closing mile of the race, and felt like I ran pretty well.

The worst part is that I contemplated wearing my Garmin for the run, as I hadn't done a 5k since July 4th, I think. I wanted to be able to see if/when I fell off the pace, if I was erratic, etc. But I chose not to, as I don't wear it for racing. But today, I really should have gone with my gut and worn it. That would have erased a lot of guess-work on this one.

Oh is moving along well at this point, and I have potentially the Bayou City Classic to look forward to. I really need to look at how my long runs will go and when they will be before determining what races I'll be running, if any between now and Boston.